
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Material World Is Mortal

The spiritual world is immortal. Your soul too. The material world is mortal. Your body too. |Newer:  You Know God Through Your Soul |Older:  Happiness Is Spiritual |日本語:  物質は魂の影響を受ける

Happiness Is Spiritual

Happiness is spiritual. It's peace of mind. |Newer:  The Material World Is Mortal |Older:  Your Soul Makes Emotions |日本語:  幸せは心にある

Your Soul Makes Emotions

Your soul makes emotions, and your brain takes them. When your soul is happy, your brain releases serotonin. When your soul is angry, your brain releases adrenaline. |Newer:  Happiness Is Spiritual |Older:  Your Soul Knows Everything |日本語:  心が脳の原因だ