
Showing posts from 2018

Life Is Soul

Life is soul. Birth is the union of soul with body, but death is the separation of soul from body. |Newer:  You Have a Holy Soul |Older:  God Is Everything |日本語:  人は五感を超えている

God Is Everything

God is everything. Find Him, and you'll find it. Trust Him, and you'll trust it. Love Him, and you'll love it. |Newer:  Life Is Soul |Older:  Nature Is a Creation |日本語:  信仰は神仏を自らに見いだす

Nature Is a Creation

Nature is a creation. Nature has laws. Only creations have them. |Newer:  God Is Everything |Older:  Saints Spoke About Souls |日本語:  世界には意志がある

Saints Spoke About Souls

Saints spoke about souls. Jesus, Muhammad, Moses and Socrates said souls exist. |Newer:  Nature Is a Creation |Older:  Only the Present Is Real |日本語:  人と獣を分けるのは魂だ

Only the Present Is Real

Only the present is real. The past and future are imaginary. |Newer:  Saints Spoke About Souls |Older:  You're a Soul |日本語:  時は心の産物だ

You're a Soul

You're a soul. You control your body. |Newer:  Only the Present Is Real |Older:  Know Yourself |日本語:  魂は体と脳を支配する

Know Yourself

If you know yourself, you know everyone. They're similar. |Newer:  You're a Soul |Older:  Time Is Subjective |日本語:  自分と人の心は別でない

Time Is Subjective

Time is subjective. Interesting time flies, and boring time drags. |Newer:  Know Yourself |Older:  Believe, and You'll Be Good |日本語:  時の速さは心で決まる

Believe, and You'll Be Good

Believe, and you'll be good. Believe in yourself, and you'll be brave. Believe in people, and you'll be kind. Believe in the future, and you'll be hopeful. Believe in God, and you'll be peaceful. |Newer:  Time Is Subjective |Older:  You're a Spirit |日本語:  信じる人は昇り疑う人は落ちる

You're a Spirit

You're a spirit. You have intuition. It's spiritual. |Newer:  Believe, and You'll Be Good |Older:  Wisdom Brings Happiness |日本語:  誰もが勘を持つ

Wisdom Brings Happiness

Wisdom brings happiness. Great wisdom brings great happiness, and little wisdom brings little happiness. Divine wisdom, including religion, theology and morality, brings spiritual happiness. Worldly wisdom, including science, politics and economics, brings material happiness. |Newer:  You're a Spirit |Older:  Express Your Emotions |日本語:  知恵は人を幸せにする

Express Your Emotions

Express your emotions. Laugh, cry, shout and sing. |Newer:  Wisdom Brings Happiness |Older:  You Need Law and Morality |日本語:  人間的な感情が大切だ

You Need Law and Morality

You need law and morality. That's because you're free to be good or bad. |Newer:  Express Your Emotions |Older:  Your Name Means Your Soul |日本語:  自由は善悪の前提だ

Your Name Means Your Soul

Your name means your soul, not your body. That's because your body grows, ages and dies but your name and soul don't. |Newer:  You Need Law and Morality |Older:  Brain-dead People Live |日本語:  人の名前が表すものは魂だ

Brain-dead People Live

Brain-dead people live. That's because most of their cells live. |Newer:  Your Name Means Your Soul |Older:  You Have Genes and Environment |日本語:  脳死は人の死ではない

You Have Genes and Environment

You're not influenced only by genes and environment. For example, your family have similar genes and environments but different personalities. |Newer:  Brain-dead People Live |Older:  God Lets You Live |日本語:  人の個性は魂による

God Lets You Live

God lets you eat plants and animals. You have to eat to live. God lets you live. |Newer:  You Have Genes and Environment |Older: Souls Live, but Bodies Die |日本語: 食べるための殺しは許される

Souls Live, but Bodies Die

Souls are more important than bodies. Souls live, but bodies die. Life is more important than death. |Newer: God Lets You Live |Older: There Are Good and Bad Ideas |日本語: 魂は命より大事だ

There Are Good and Bad Ideas

There are good ideas and bad ideas. Good ideas are spiritual inspirations, and bad ideas are physical desires. |Newer: Souls Live, but Bodies Die |Older: Words Have Power |日本語: 人の思考は三つある

Words Have Power

Words have power. For example, prayers save people. Words move the world. First, words move people. Then, people move the world. |Newer: There Are Good and Bad Ideas |Older: Value Depends on Purpose |日本語: 言葉の力は強い

Value Depends on Purpose

Value depends on purpose. For example, the value of money and power depends on use. |Newer: Words Have Power |Older: Death Shows Human Nature |日本語: 物の価値は目的で決まる

Death Shows Human Nature

Death shows human nature. For example, peaceful death shows good nature, and painful death shows bad nature. |Newer: Value Depends on Purpose |Older: Souls Are Unreal but Important |日本語: 人には安らかに死ぬ権利がある

Souls Are Unreal but Important

Souls are like imaginary numbers. Both are unreal but important. |Newer: Death Shows Human Nature |Older: One Changes All |日本語: 神仏や霊魂は虚数に似る

One Changes All

One changes all. First, one changes some. Then, some change many. Finally, many change all. |Newer: Souls Are Unreal but Important |Older: Scientists Are Occultists |日本語: 神は宇宙の意思だ

Scientists Are Occultists

Scientists are occultists. Examples include Pythagoras and Newton. Scientists study unreality. They've studied reality thoroughly. |Newer: One Changes All |Older: Work Is Helpful |日本語: 未来科学の対象はオカルトだ

Work Is Helpful

The more people you help, the more money you make. Work is helpful. And the more you work, the more you earn. |Newer: Scientists Are Occultists |Older:  Nations Need Power |日本語:  人を富ませて資産を殖やせ

Nations Need Power

Nations need military, economic and cultural power. Military and economic power protects people, territory and sovereignty. Cultural power increases appeal. |Newer:  Work Is Helpful |Older:  God Is Hope |日本語:  国は軍事と経済と文化による

God Is Hope

God is hope. When you have Him, you have it. |Newer:  Nations Need Power |Older:  Science Is Sometimes Bad |日本語:  神が人に希望を与える

Science Is Sometimes Bad

Science is sometimes good and sometimes bad. For example, electrical appliances are good, and high-tech weapons are bad. |Newer:  God Is Hope |Older:  Near-sighted People See Beauty |日本語:  科学は人を喜ばせ時に苦しめる

Near-sighted People See Beauty

Near-sighted or far-sighted people see beautiful colors. The colors look like Impressionist paintings. |Newer:  Science Is Sometimes Bad |Older:  Understand Thoughts |日本語:  自分の目で世界を見よ

Understand Thoughts

To understand someone is to understand their words, actions and thoughts. Words and actions are easy to understand, and thoughts are hard to. Thoughts are expressed in words and actions. So first understand words and actions, then understand thoughts. |Newer:  Near-sighted People See Beauty |Older:  Materials Are Weak |日本語:  人は言葉と行いと心で生きる

Materials Are Weak

Materials are weak. They consist of elementary particles, which suddenly disappear. You think whether materials exist or not. They exist if you think they exist, but they don't exist if you think they don't exist. |Newer:  Understand Thoughts |Older:  Time and Space Are Mysterious |日本語:  心が物をあらしめる

Time and Space Are Mysterious

Time and space are mysterious. The beginning and end of time and space are unknown. |Newer:  Materials Are Weak |Older:  You Have a Sixth Sense |日本語:  人は時空の果てを知らない

You Have a Sixth Sense

You have a sixth sense. So you like things beyond your five senses, for example, love, goodness, wisdom, spirit and God. |Newer:  Time and Space Are Mysterious |Older:  There's Two Kinds of Happiness |日本語:  脳より心を大事にせよ

There's Two Kinds of Happiness

There are two kinds of happiness. One is spiritual and permanent. The other is physical and temporary. |Newer:  You Have a Sixth Sense |Older:  Cultures Are Ideas |日本語:  魂が幸せを運ぶ

Cultures Are Ideas

Cultures are ideas. For example, religion is the idea of God, politics is the idea of society, science is the idea of substance, and art is the idea of beauty. |Newer:  There's Two Kinds of Happiness |Older:  Relax Your Body and Mind |日本語:  考えは対象でなく本質だ

Relax Your Body and Mind

Relax your body and mind as follows. Lie down, close your eyes, breathe deeply and forget everything for a while. |Newer:  Cultures Are Ideas |Older:  Think with Your Mind |日本語:  体が休み心が休む

Think with Your Mind

Think with your mind, not your brain. Thoughts from your mind are new, deep and interesting, but thoughts from your brain are old, shallow and boring. In short, your mind is wiser than your brain. |Newer:  Relax Your Body and Mind |Older:  Concentrate |日本語:  心によって考えよ


Concentrate as follows. First relax. Then put aside idle thoughts. |Newer:  Think with Your Mind |Older:  You Can Learn Everything |日本語:  雑念を抑えれば集中力が上がる

You Can Learn Everything

Experience hinders learning. Adults have more experience and learn more slowly. Children have less experience and learn more quickly. You can learn everything. Return to the innocence of childhood and learn everything. |Newer:  Concentrate |Older:  You Have Two Worlds |日本語:  人は全てを知りうる

You Have Two Worlds

You have two worlds. One is yours, and the other is everyone's. The two worlds influence each other. You influence others, so your world influences everyone's. Others influence you, so everyone's world influences yours. |Newer:  You Can Learn Everything |Older:  Be Free from Brainwashing |日本語:  人は世界を二つ持つ

Be Free from Brainwashing

You're brainwashed by some people. They make education, public opinion and common knowledge. Education, public opinion and common knowledge have lies. And lies brainwash you. Be free from brainwashing as follows. First have your values. Then measure the value of education, public opinion and common knowledge. |Newer:  You Have Two Worlds |Older:  People Are Similar |日本語:  自分の価値観が洗脳を解く

People Are Similar

People are different But similar as well. Their bodies are alike. Their minds are similar. Their feelings are alike. Their thoughts are similar. Their languages are different But similar as well And so can be translated. Since they speak languages, Which can be translated, They understand each other. Since they use languages, Which can be translated, They stand by one another. People are different But similar as well. |Newer:  Be Free from Brainwashing |Older:  You Have Desire and Conscience |日本語:  人は互いに似ている

You Have Desire and Conscience

You have good and evil. Good is conscience; meanwhile, Evil is desire. That is to say, you Have desire and conscience. It is good for you To awaken your conscience, And it's bad for you To disturb your conscience. It is right for you To curb your desire, And it's wrong for you To fuel your desire. Conscience, it is soul, And desire, it's body. Since you have both body And soul, namely conscience, You're a human being. |Newer:  People Are Similar |Older:  Cells and Souls Affect Bodies |日本語:  良心は魂で欲望は肉体だ

Cells and Souls Affect Bodies

Cells change every day, But compared with them, Bodies don't change much Since there is resistance To the change by cells. What resist the change Are souls inside bodies. Strong immortal souls Shield weak mortal bodies From the change by cells. If souls didn't exist, Then, cells would change bodies Out of recognition. Bodies are affected By both cells and souls, So that bodies change Slowly every day, That is, grow and age. |Newer:  You Have Desire and Conscience |Older:  Love Is like Rain |日本語:  魂は細胞の変化から体を守る

Love Is like Rain

There's something From heart To heart. It's love. There's something From hand To hand. It's stuff. If love Is gone, Sweet words Are lies, And kindness Is fake Since love Is true, And it Gives meaning To people And things. Love is Like rain That falls To earth. The rain Brings water To life On earth, And love Gives power To people On earth. They laugh, Cry, live And die For love. |Newer:  Cells and Souls Affect Bodies |Older:  Humble Learners Have Wisdom |日本語:  心から心へ贈るのが愛だ

Humble Learners Have Wisdom

Humble learners have great wisdom. Humble people have some wisdom. Normal learners have less wisdom. Normal people have less wisdom. But proud people have no wisdom, And proud learners have no wisdom. First be humble and then learn, And you will acquire great wisdom. |Newer:  Love Is like Rain |Older:  You Love Someone for No Reason |日本語:  謙虚な人は知恵を持つ

You Love Someone for No Reason

You like something For no reason. You love someone For no reason. You give reason After you Have liked something. You state reason After you Have loved someone. Love is true. Reason is false. You like people For no reason. You love God For no reason. |Newer:  Humble Learners Have Wisdom |Older:  Rest Once in a While |日本語:  大切なものに訳はない

Rest Once in a While

You may be busy, And yet, your mind Should not be busy. You should relax Even if you Are very busy, But it is hard, So you should rest Once in a while. If you are tired From being busy, Relax your mind As well as body. When you lie down, Your body rests, And when you sleep, Your mind relaxes. |Newer:  You Love Someone for No Reason |Older:  You Know Through Your Senses |日本語:  心を憩わせよ

You Know Through Your Senses

Though you rely On your senses, You don't know If they're right. If your senses Are mistaken, You know nothing Of the world Since you know Through your senses. Now and then, They are wrong, So the world Might be false, But your mind Must be true. |Newer:  Rest Once in a While |Older:  Don't Fight but Love |日本語:  五感は正しいだろうか

Don't Fight but Love

Why does the world Bring trivial news On the great earth? Why does the world Make bloody weapons Under blue skies? Trivial news Makes people dumb, And bloody weapons Make people nervous. Don't mind but think. Don't fight but love. First know yourself, Then know the world. First have some friends, Then have a rival. |Newer:  You Know Through Your Senses |Older:  Science Is Correct but Limited |日本語:  へりくだって調和せよ

Science Is Correct but Limited

Science is correct But limited. Science is knowledge That can be proved, But there are truths That can't be proved. Proving it, you Can't make the truth, Proving it, you Just know the truth, And there are truths That you don't know. Science is restricted To what can be proved, So there are truths Outside of science. |Newer:  Don't Fight but Love |Older:  Ask Wisdom of Yourself |日本語:  証明を超えた正しさもある

Ask Wisdom of Yourself

A traveler Sought wisdom From sages, And he Gained lots Of knowledge, Not wisdom. He thought That knowledge Is language, And wisdom Is meaning. Ask knowledge Of others. Ask wisdom Of yourself. |Newer:  Science Is Correct but Limited |Older:  Your Soul Is Yourself |日本語:  知恵は己のうちに問え

Your Soul Is Yourself

To feel your soul is To feel your heart. To know your soul is To know your mind. To see your soul is To see your thoughts. To find your soul is To find yourself. |Newer:  Ask Wisdom of Yourself |Older:  The Soul Goes Out of the Body |日本語:  心を見詰めた人が魂を知る

The Soul Goes Out of the Body

At times, the soul Goes out of the body Near death from illness Or accident. It's not a dream Or an illusion Because the people Who've had the experience Say that their souls Went out of their bodies. If they had dreamed, They'd disagree, But actually, They broadly agree, So know the soul Goes out at times. |Newer:  Your Soul Is Yourself |Older:  Gentle Humor Is Essential |日本語:  魂が抜け出ることはある

Gentle Humor Is Essential

It is hard To shed tears While you're smiling. It's impossible To be angry While you're laughing. If no one Cried, shed tears Or was angry, Nobody Would fight battles Or make war. For this reason, Smiles and laughs Are so good. But however, Ridicule Is quite different. That's to say, Ridicule Brings the sadness And the anger Of good people Who can't laugh And leads them To fight, battle And conflict. Finally, Gentle humor That all people Smile about Is essential To the world. |Newer:  The Soul Goes Out of the Body |Older:  Divination Is Intuition |日本語:  ユーモアが必要だ

Divination Is Intuition

Divination is sometimes right and sometimes wrong, So it only seems to be a quirk of chance, But it is more true than hit-or-miss ideas. It is probable that divination is right Not by accident but on some solid basis, And the solid basis cannot be explained And is known by a sixth sense or intuition. Human beings may have supernatural powers, Which can't be explained just theoretically. Surely, divination is evidence of it. |Newer:  Gentle Humor Is Essential |Older:  Soul Is Mind |日本語:  占いは直感で事実を当てる

Soul Is Mind

You should feel Not by body But by soul. You should think Not by brain But by mind. You're impressed Not by body But by soul. You're inspired Not by brain But by mind. Soul is not body. Mind is not brain. Soul is mind. It's eternal. |Newer:  Divination Is Intuition |Older:  Worry Is Punishment |日本語:  心で感じ取り考えよ

Worry Is Punishment

People who worry About the past Are surely smart. People who worry About the future Are surely smart. Fools do not think About the past Or future, either. In short, smart people Worry a lot. It's punishment Because they're selfish And always thinking About themselves. |Newer:  Soul Is Mind |Older:  Thinking Is Important |日本語:  悩みは罰だ

Thinking Is Important

You like what you see, Hear, smell, taste and touch, But what you see, hear, Smell, taste, touch and feel Is not always true. It's due to the illusion That your body gives, So don't trust your body. Rather, trust your mind. Thinking is important. |Newer:  Worry Is Punishment |Older:  Photos and Paintings Are Works |日本語:  心で感じたものが大切だ

Photos and Paintings Are Works

Photos are works By cameras. Paintings are works By human beings. Photos are things. Paintings are spirits. Photos are facts. Paintings are dreams. Photos are news. Paintings are art. |Newer:  Thinking Is Important |Older:  Truth Is Subjective, Objective |日本語:  写真は報道で絵画は芸術だ

Truth Is Subjective, Objective

Everything Has the inside And outside, So the truth Has the inside And outside. The inside Is subjective, And the outside Is objective, So the truth Is subjective And objective. Everything Is subjective And objective. |Newer:  Photos and Paintings Are Works |Older:  Modern Science Is Not Perfect |日本語:  客観と主観は共に真実だ

Modern Science Is Not Perfect

Modern science Is not perfect Because it Is progressing And unfinished. Modern science Will be old, Wrong and useless In the future As past science Is now old, Wrong and useless. Similarly, Modern times Are not perfect. |Newer:  Truth Is Subjective, Objective |Older:  People Want, and God Gives |日本語:  今の科学は古くなる

People Want, and God Gives

People wanted water, And so, God gave water. People wanted rice, And so, God gave rice. People wanted meat, And so, God gave meat. People wanted clothes, And so, God gave clothes. People wanted houses, And so, God gave houses. People wanted money, And so, God gave money. People wanted weapons, And so, God gave weapons. People went to war, And so, God was shocked. |Newer:  Modern Science Is Not Perfect |Older:  Characters Are Attractive |日本語:  人は望み神は与える

Characters Are Attractive

Characters Are attractive. Characters Are unique. Characters Can't compare Because they So charm people Into failing To compare. Characters Are like flowers, And attraction Is like perfume. |Newer:  People Want, and God Gives |Older:  Hearts Continue to Exist |日本語:  個性は魅力だ

Hearts Continue to Exist

Be big If you Want money. Be pure If you Want beauty. Big money Will go, And beauty Will fade, But big, Pure hearts Continue To exist. |Newer:  Characters Are Attractive |Older:  You Know Mind |日本語:  とわにあるのは心のみ

You Know Mind

Language is vague, But you know mind By hearing language. Gestures are vague, But you know mind By seeing gestures. Even if you Do not hear language And do not see gestures, You may know mind. You know your mind And others, too. The reason is That you have love. |Newer:  Hearts Continue to Exist |Older:  You Decide If You Are Happy |日本語:  人は心を理解する

You Decide If You Are Happy

The purpose Of life Is you Are happy. You want To live To be happy. Think you Are happy, And you Are happy Since you Decide If you Are happy. First say That you Are happy, And you Begin To be happy. The sick, The poor, The wicked, Barbarians, Provincials And fools Are happy When they Think they Are happy. |Newer:  You Know Mind |Older:  There's Happiness in Mind |日本語:  幸せを思った人が幸せだ

There's Happiness in Mind

If you have power, You fear its loss. If not, you worry. If you have money, You fear its loss. If not, you worry. If you have fame, You fear its loss. If not, you worry. Don't think you're sad Whether you have nothing Or anything. There's happiness In mind, not matter. |Newer:  You Decide If You Are Happy |Older:  Mind Is the Basis of Existence |日本語:  幸か不幸は心で決まる

Mind Is the Basis of Existence

Very small materials Suddenly appear, Change and disappear, And yet, large materials Don't abruptly appear, Change or disappear Though all large materials Are made from small ones. This is due to mind, Which is not material. When all's said and done, Mind is the foundation Of existence made Of material. |Newer:  There's Happiness in Mind |Older:  Conflict Is Human Nature |日本語:  意識が物質に基礎を据える

Conflict Is Human Nature

Human beings Seem to like To make conflict, For example, The right wing And left wing, The elite And the masses And the self And the other. Usually, Human beings Love to fight, But at times, Human beings Hate to fight. At that time, Human beings Learn from nature, Which exists Permanently, That all conflict Is absurd, But once more, They return To the world, Where they fight And conflict. That is, conflict Is their bad And sad nature. |Newer:  Mind Is the Basis of Existence |Older:  God Draws All Conclusions |日本語:  対立は人のさがだ

God Draws All Conclusions

True premises Make right conclusions. True premises Are universal And everlasting. They don't exist In the real world Because the world Is limited. True premises Are God and Buddha, Who exist in mind. Buddha and God Draw all conclusions. |Newer:  Conflict Is Human Nature |Older:  Look for New Value |日本語:  神仏が全てをあかす