
Showing posts from September, 2016

Selfishness Hides Personality

People who forget themselves Show their personality. Their true personality Shows if they forget themselves. Selfish and self-centered people Hide their personality. Their false personality Shows if they are egocentric. |Newer:  People Do Not Know Many Things |Older:  Lovers of Money Are Ridiculous |日本語:  我を忘れたとき個性が出る

Lovers of Money Are Ridiculous

People who like jewels, Why do you like stones? People who love money, Why do you love paper? People who crave liquor, Water is more important. All of them are frantic And ridiculous. |Newer:  Selfishness Hides Personality |Older:  A Third of a Life Is Dreams |日本語:  お金に狂う人は滑稽だ

A Third of a Life Is Dreams

Two-thirds of a day Are waking hours. A third of a day Is sleeping time. When people sleep, They often dream. A third of a life Is sleeping dreams. |Newer:  Lovers of Money Are Ridiculous |Older:  Lonely Time Has Great Value |日本語:  夢は重要だ

Lonely Time Has Great Value

Lonely time Has great value. It gave birth To religion, Literature, Art and science. For alone time, People are wiser. |Newer:  A Third of a Life Is Dreams |Older:  There's Wisdom in the Past |日本語:  孤独の時に価値がある

There's Wisdom in the Past

There's wisdom in the past. There are dreams in the future. If they do not exist, The present won't exist. The wisdom of the past And the dreams of the future Produce the present day Between the past and future. |Newer:  Lonely Time Has Great Value |Older:  Make Use of Your Strong Points |日本語:  英知は過去に夢は未来にある

Make Use of Your Strong Points

Since people have strong points, They justly have weak points. If they don't have weak points, They will not have strong points. Smart people are unkind. Kind people are cowardly. Right people are obstinate. Make use of your strong points. |Newer:  There's Wisdom in the Past |Older:  Knowledge Brings Assumptions |日本語:  長所を生かし切れ

Knowledge Brings Assumptions

Have a lot of knowledge For the right decision. Don't make an assumption For the right decision. But a lot of knowledge Brings absurd assumptions, So distinguish knowledge From absurd assumptions. |Newer:  Make Use of Your Strong Points |Older:  Dead People Are Precious |日本語:  先入観と知識を区別せよ

Dead People Are Precious

My dead relatives Are more precious to me Than some living strangers. My dead relatives Make their presence felt More than living strangers. Living and dead people Make their presence felt. |Newer:  Knowledge Brings Assumptions |Older:  Trusting Hearts Create Bonds |日本語:  人は死んでも存在感を残す

Trusting Hearts Create Bonds

There is a bond Between two people Who trust each other. There is no bond Between two people Who doubt each other. Bonds are created By trusting hearts. |Newer:  Dead People Are Precious |Older:  Don't Want but Feel Happiness |日本語:  信頼がきずなを作る

Don't Want but Feel Happiness

Don't want happiness But feel happiness. It's not in the world. It is in the mind. Future happiness Will be wonderful. Present happiness Is more wonderful. |Newer:  Trusting Hearts Create Bonds |Older:  Science Was the Occult |日本語:  今の幸せを探せ

Science Was the Occult

The start of science was the occult. Astronomy and chemistry Developed from astrology And alchemy respectively. The bottom line is that modern science Developed from the ancient occult, And similarly, future science Will grow out of the modern occult. |Newer:  Don't Want but Feel Happiness |Older:  Geniuses Forget Themselves |日本語:  科学のもとはオカルトだ

Geniuses Forget Themselves

All geniuses Are highly focused And frequently Forget themselves. A gift of theirs Is self-forgetting. Forget yourself, And you'll be focused. |Newer:  Science Was the Occult |Older:  Truth Is Honest Language |日本語:  天才は我を忘れる

Truth Is Honest Language

Tell the truth, And you'll learn it. Seek the truth, And you'll get it. Do not lie, Or you'll be fooled. Truth is honest And frank language. |Newer:  Geniuses Forget Themselves |Older:  True Knowledge Gives Wisdom |日本語:  真実は言葉に宿る

True Knowledge Gives Wisdom

There are true And false knowledge. True knowledge Gives wisdom, But false knowledge Leads to trouble. Get wisdom And save trouble. |Newer:  Truth Is Honest Language |Older:  Human Light Is Belief |日本語:  よい知識と悪い知識がある

Human Light Is Belief

The sun is in the sky. Its light is on the ground. What's in the human mind? Is it the dark or wrong? Light darkness and right wrongs, The sunshine of the mind. Human light is belief. Belief is the sun in mind. |Newer:  True Knowledge Gives Wisdom |Older:  Trust God and Love God |日本語:  人の光は信仰だ

Trust God and Love God

A starting point Is faith in God. Have faith in God, And you'll trust people. A starting point Is love for God. Have love for God, And you'll love people. |Newer:  Human Light Is Belief |Older:  God's Light Is Hope |日本語:  神を信じ神を愛せ

God's Light Is Hope

God's light is hope. Satan's darkness Is despair. Only light Pierces darkness. God beats Satan And brings hope, So call God. |Newer:  Trust God and Love God |Older:  Self-confidence Is God's Gift |日本語:  神の光は希望だ

Self-confidence Is God's Gift

Self-confidence Is given people Who trust in God, And vanity Is given people Who don't trust God. Self-confidence Is God's good gift. |Newer:  God's Light Is Hope |Older:  Go the Way You Think Right |日本語:  神が人に自信を与える

Go the Way You Think Right

Go the way That you think right. Right your wrongs If you know them. Keep your faith well And live fully Even in trouble Or temptation. |Newer:  Self-confidence Is God's Gift |Older:  Ancient People Were Happy |日本語:  信念を貫いて潔く生きよ

Ancient People Were Happy

There were happy people Even in ancient times. They did not have fears Of the two world wars. There are happy people Even in the country. They do not know crimes In fast-growing cities. |Newer:  Go the Way You Think Right |Older:  Bad Thoughts Block God's Light |日本語:  後れた文明にも幸せはある

Bad Thoughts Block God's Light

God's help is needed By bad people More than good ones, But bad people Will face the fact That their dark thoughts Shut out God's light Like clouds block sun. |Newer:  Ancient People Were Happy |Older:  Light Shines on Truth |日本語: 神に逆らえば恵みはない

Light Shines on Truth

Don't lie. Lies make Hearts dark. The dark Is filled By light. Light shines On truth. |Newer:  Bad Thoughts Block God's Light |Older:  Think of God and Light |日本語:  光はすなおな人に臨む

Think of God and Light

Think of God, And all evil Will be gone. Think of light, And all darkness Will be gone. God beats evil. Light fills darkness. |Newer:  Light Shines on Truth |Older:  We're Loved by God |日本語:  仏と光を思え

We're Loved by God

Our lives are precious. It's a small crime To take dogs' lives. It's a great sin To take our lives Because we're loved Deeply by God. Oh, I thank God. |Newer:  Think of God and Light |Older:  Human Beings Listen to Reason |日本語:  神は人を愛する

Human Beings Listen to Reason

Animals Live by instinct. Human beings Listen to reason. Animal instinct Takes their freedom. Human reason Gives them freedom. |Newer:  We're Loved by God |Older:  People of Culture Do Not Worry |日本語:  本能を克服した人は自由だ

People of Culture Do Not Worry

People of culture Do not worry. Ones of no culture Often worry. Fools of no culture Do not worry. Fools of culture Don't exist. |Newer:  Human Beings Listen to Reason |Older:  Cleanse Your Own Mind |日本語:  悩む人は頭がよいが教養がない

Cleanse Your Own Mind

Intelligence, Feeling and will Are shallow minds. When you forget'em And think of nothing, Your mind is deeper. If you want it, Cleanse your own mind. |Newer:  People of Culture Do Not Worry |Older:  Know Your Own Mind |日本語:  心の汚れを取り除け

Know Your Own Mind

Know your own mind Before their minds Because your mind Has the unknown. Minds are expressed In words and acts, So grasp the meanings Of words and acts. |Newer:  Cleanse Your Own Mind |Older:  Eternal Sleepers Dream |日本語:  自分の心を知るべきだ

Eternal Sleepers Dream

People often dream When they sleep long. Dreams are affected By mental states In waking hours. Eternal sleepers May also dream. |Newer:  Know Your Own Mind |Older:  Don't Tell Lies but the Truth |日本語:  死んだ人も夢を見る

Don't Tell Lies but the Truth

Don't tell lies but the truth. Don't like false flattery But love true criticism. Don't use false flattery But make true criticism. If true, both flattery And criticism are good. |Newer:  Eternal Sleepers Dream |Older:  Religion and Learning Are True |日本語:  うそを捨て真実を取れ