
Showing posts from 2015

Mind Appears in the World

What is in mind Appears in the outside world. Good appears in the world If mind thinks of good. Evil appears in the world If mind thinks of evil. God appears in the world If mind thinks of God. An ogre appears in the world If mind thinks of the ogre. Human mind decides What to see in the world. |Newer:  All Results Have Causes |Older:  Emotion Is Evidence of Human Beings |日本語:  心が世界に表れる

Emotion Is Evidence of Human Beings

Emotion cleanses mind. Emotion purifies mind. Emotion heals mind. Emotion protects mind. Getting excited Is a trouble But is also evidence That people live like human beings. |Newer:  Mind Appears in the World |Older:  Personality Appears Naturally |日本語:  感動は人のあかしだ

Personality Appears Naturally

Human personality cannot be made. Human personality cannot be lost. That appears naturally. Human personality is the unconscious. |Newer:  Emotion Is Evidence of Human Beings |Older:  Get Generous |日本語:  個性は自然に表れる

Get Generous

Forget routine for some time. Forget living for some time. Routine makes people tired, And living makes people narrow. People Essentially have a broad and generous mind. Sometimes keep daily odd jobs away And get generous. |Newer:  Personality Appears Naturally |Older:  Will What Humans Feel Be Everything? |日本語: おおらかになれ

Will What Humans Feel Be Everything?

Will what human beings feel be everything? Will what human beings can know be everything? Are human beings almighty and perfect? Are human beings perfect and ultimate? I cannot answer such questions, And I only look up at twinkling stars. |Newer:  Get Generous |Older:  Time Washes Everything Away |日本語:  人の感じるものが全てだろうか

Time Washes Everything Away

Time washes everything away. There are not things escaping that. The dear present Will also be past things soon. I want to leave this lifestyle As beautiful memories When the present has faded away And become old things. |Newer:  Will What Humans Feel Be Everything? |Older:  Momentary Beauty Is Dear |日本語:  時は全てを流し去る

Momentary Beauty Is Dear

Cherry blossoms are beautiful, But flowers fall immediately. Human beings are also the same And fall like cherry blossoms. Beauty is a moment. Time washes everything away. However, I love a beautiful time alone. |Newer:  Time Washes Everything Away |Older:  Believe in God and Believe in Humans |日本語:  一瞬の美がいとおしい

Believe in God and Believe in Humans

Human beings get peace of mind by belief. Human beings get pain by suspicion. People suffering to drown in a sea of suspicion, Believe in God first and believe in humans. Then humans certainly get peace of mind. |Newer:  Momentary Beauty Is Dear |Older:  Picture the Sun in Mind |日本語:  神を信じ人を信じよ

Picture the Sun in Mind

Picture the sun in mind. Think the sun in mind. The sun is human life. The sun is all of the human. The sun is God's figure. The sun is God's heart. The sun Is a thing bringing up every life. |Newer:  Believe in God and Believe in Humans |Older:  Life Is Part of God |日本語:  太陽を心に描け

Life Is Part of God

Life is an irreplaceable precious thing Because God has given life. Only God can make life high and precious Because life is part of God. Life is also called spirit or soul And still gives off light even if the body perishes. |Newer:  Picture the Sun in Mind |Older:  Thoughts Are Everything |日本語:  命は神の一部だ

Thoughts Are Everything

Look back on thoughts. There will be everything there. Reflect on thoughts. There will be light there. Understand thoughts. There will be wisdom there. Completely forget thoughts. There will be salvation there. |Newer:  Life Is Part of God |Older:  People Whose Hearts Are Clean Look at God |日本語:  思いが全てだ

People Whose Hearts Are Clean Look at God

Make hearts clean If you want to look at God. Eyes are beautiful and clear If hearts are clean and beautiful. There would not be a right sight If there were hard scales on eyes. God shows the figure When scales have fallen from eyes. |Newer:  Thoughts Are Everything |Older:  Human Consciousness Is Eternal |日本語:  心の清い人が神を見る

Human Consciousness Is Eternal

Human consciousness is almighty Because it reflects everything. Human consciousness is perfect Because it thinks everything. Human consciousness is vast Because it puts everything in. Human consciousness is eternal Because it includes all time. |Newer:  People Whose Hearts Are Clean Look at God |Older:  Spirit Gives Humans Eternal Bliss |日本語:  人の意識は永遠だ

Spirit Gives Humans Eternal Bliss

Human beings hope the time of bliss continues for ever, But things cannot be for ever and will perish some day; Therefore, humans cannot be satisfied with things, and they meet spirit. Spirit, which is not things, gives humans the bliss continuing for ever. |Newer:  Human Consciousness Is Eternal |Older:  The Courage to Throw Away Experience Opens the Future |日本語:  心がとわの至福を人に与える

The Courage to Throw Away Experience Opens the Future

Humans perish when they have been drunk with experience. Experience is the compilation of the ended past. The future is the denial of the ended past. The courage to throw away experience opens the future. |Newer:  Spirit Gives Humans Eternal Bliss |Older:  Obey and Serve God |日本語:  経験を捨てる勇気が未来を開く

Obey and Serve God

Nobody great Can be greater than God. Nobody strong Can be stronger than God. It is better to obey God Than to obey people. It is better to serve God Than to serve people. |Newer:  The Courage to Throw Away Experience Opens the Future |Older:  There Is Meaning in Everything |日本語:  神に従い仕えよ

There Is Meaning in Everything

Shade looks unnecessary, But there are light and shade, So colorful colors appear. Evil looks unnecessary, But there are good and evil, So human dramas appear. Anger and sorrow Do not seem necessary, But there are feelings, So human hearts appear. There are not useless things in the world. There is meaning in everything. |Newer:  Obey and Serve God |Older:  There Are Not People That Want to Become Bad People |日本語:  全てに意味がある

There Are Not People That Want to Become Bad People

Human beings Watch good And know good; They watch evil And more deeply Know good. There are people That want To become Good people, But there are not people That want To become Bad people. |Newer:  There Is Meaning in Everything |Older:  Humans Are Decided by What They Cherish |日本語:  悪人になりたい人はいない

Humans Are Decided by What They Cherish

It decides the whole of a person What do they cherish. People cherishing money Have the worth equal to money Because they live around money. People cherishing love Have the worth equal to love Because they live around love. People cherishing wisdom Have the worth equal to wisdom Because they live around wisdom. People cherishing God Have the worth equal to God Because they live around God. |Newer:  There Are Not People That Want to Become Bad People |Older:  Be Free from Desire |日本語:  人は大事にする物で決まる

Be Free from Desire

Humans should be free From the mood to want things, From the mood to want money, From the mood to want status, From the mood to want love And from the mood to want. Humans should overcome vulgar desire And be noble. |Newer:  Humans Are Decided by What They Cherish |Older:  A Good Action Is Good |日本語:  欲望から自由であれ

A Good Action Is Good

Doing a good action Is very good for you yourselves. You get to like yourselves By doing a good action, But you get to dislike yourselves If you do a bad action. Let's begin a good action To get to like yourselves. |Newer:  Be Free from Desire |Older:  Miracles Happen If You Believe Language |日本語:  よい行いはためになる

Miracles Happen If You Believe Language

Language changes humans. Language makes things. Language cuts the way. Language calls God. However, the effect of language appears When you believe. Even miracles happen If you believe language strongly. |Newer:  A Good Action Is Good |Older:  Life Is Short-lived but Beautiful |日本語:  言葉を信じれば奇跡が起きる

Life Is Short-lived but Beautiful

Both human beings dying zero years old And human beings dying a hundred Are a mere moment, Compared with star life; But humans burn with all life In that moment. Summer fireworks Are short-lived but beautiful. |Newer:  Miracles Happen If You Believe Language |Older:  Belief Is a Premise of Knowledge |日本語:  命ははかないが美しい

Belief Is a Premise of Knowledge

Belief is the major premise Of knowledge. Humans can know part Of belief. Truth is not revealed at first And is revealed after belief. Believe in humans and know humans. Believe in God and know God. |Newer:  Life Is Short-lived but Beautiful |Older:  Giving People Are Blessed |日本語:  信は知の前提だ

Giving People Are Blessed

Giving people are blessed. Wanting people are robbed. Circulation is the essence Of things, money and human beings. Getting will decrease If giving is little. Let's give first. Good begins to move from there. |Newer:  Belief Is a Premise of Knowledge |Older:  God and Spirit Are the Origin of the Universe and Life |日本語:  与える人は恵まれる

God and Spirit Are the Origin of the Universe and Life

God is the origin of the universe, And spirit is the origin of life. That origin Should be in the universe full of miracles. That origin is called God. That origin Should also be in mysterious life. That origin is called spirit. There would be only chaos In the universe If origin were not in the universe. There would not be great worth In life If origin were not in life. God is the law of the universe, And spirit is the dignity of life. The universe will perish some day, But that law does not perish. Life will be lost yet, But that dignity cannot be lost. That is, God is eternal; And similarly, spirit is eternal. |Newer:  Giving People Are Blessed |Older:  Where Nature Is Rich Is Good |日本語:  神と霊は宇宙と命の大もとだ

Where Nature Is Rich Is Good

Where the sea ripples is good. The sea makes hearts broad. Where the sky is beautiful is good. The sky makes hearts clean. Where mountains rise is good. Mountains make hearts strong. Where forest spreads is good. Forest makes hearts deep. There are not things to think In where nature is rich. Rest heads for some time And feel nature by skin. |Newer:  God and Spirit Are the Origin of the Universe and Life |Older:  Happy Flowers, Come Out in Hearts |日本語:  自然豊かな場所はよい

Happy Flowers, Come Out in Hearts

A man finding happiness in the heart Is good. He is like a ship That does not shake even if it storms. A man looking for happiness outside the heart Is bad. He is like a boat That sinks if it storms. You can protect the inside of the heart But cannot protect the outside of the heart. Flowers of happiness, Come out at least in hearts. |Newer:  Where Nature Is Rich Is Good |Older:  Humans Have the Sun in Spirit |日本語:  幸せの花よ、心に咲け

Humans Have the Sun in Spirit

The sun is in the sky But is also in people's spirit. Everyone Has each sun in spirit, But human desire Covers the sun of spirit. The sunlight of spirit Is in unselfish people. |Newer:  Happy Flowers, Come Out in Hearts |Older:  Feel Hot Hearts |日本語:  人は心に太陽を持つ

Feel Hot Hearts

Feel the hot heart of the Buddha, Who threw away the crown To look for wisdom. Feel the hot heart of Christ, Who shouldered a false charge To love the people. That is hard to be called a human If a heart does not get hot At the Buddha's or Jesus' action. Human beings Can live human By hot, precious and pure hearts. |Newer:  Humans Have the Sun in Spirit |Older:  Humans Come from Dreams and Leave for Dreams |日本語:  熱い心に触れてみよ

Humans Come from Dreams and Leave for Dreams

What dreams do babies before birth Really have? What dreams do people sleeping for ever Really have? Humans come from dreams, Stay for some time In the world falling like cherry blossoms And leave for long dreams. |Newer:  Feel Hot Hearts |Older:  Believe You Can Do If You Do |日本語:  人は夢から来て夢へ去る

Believe You Can Do If You Do

There are not things humans cannot do. Humans can do anything. The thought that there are impossible things Is a wild fancy. Believe you can do if you do. The way opens from there. |Newer:  Humans Come from Dreams and Leave for Dreams |Older:  People Should Make Friends |日本語:  やればできると信じ切れ

People Should Make Friends

Being friendly is good. Belief is good. Love is good. Therefore, people in the world Should throw away jealousy, suspicion and hatred And make friends. Let's forget the unpleasant past. Hope opens the way. |Newer:  Believe You Can Do If You Do |Older:  Let's Make Your Own Flowers Come Out |日本語:  人は仲良くすべきだ

Let's Make Your Own Flowers Come Out

Cherry blossoms are very beautiful, But plum blossoms are also beautiful. Roses are very beautiful, But lilies are also beautiful. Each flower is different, But everything flowers beautifully. Difference is good. Let's make your own flowers come out. |Newer:  People Should Make Friends |Older:  Humans Only Know Their Own Mind |日本語:  自分の花を咲かせよう

Humans Only Know Their Own Mind

Human beings Only know their own mind. Human beings Cannot know anything except that. The sky full of light, Flowers coming out beautifully And that person you have exchanged love with Are illusions reflected in mind. Tears flow from eyes If you have known Everything seen and heard is fantasy. Those tears are the sorrow Of when human beings Feel limits human beings have. |Newer:  Let's Make Your Own Flowers Come Out |日本語:  人は自らの心を知るのみ