
Showing posts from August, 2018

Materials Are Weak

Materials are weak. They consist of elementary particles, which suddenly disappear. You think whether materials exist or not. They exist if you think they exist, but they don't exist if you think they don't exist. |Newer:  Understand Thoughts |Older:  Time and Space Are Mysterious |日本語:  心が物をあらしめる

Time and Space Are Mysterious

Time and space are mysterious. The beginning and end of time and space are unknown. |Newer:  Materials Are Weak |Older:  You Have a Sixth Sense |日本語:  人は時空の果てを知らない

You Have a Sixth Sense

You have a sixth sense. So you like things beyond your five senses, for example, love, goodness, wisdom, spirit and God. |Newer:  Time and Space Are Mysterious |Older:  There's Two Kinds of Happiness |日本語:  脳より心を大事にせよ

There's Two Kinds of Happiness

There are two kinds of happiness. One is spiritual and permanent. The other is physical and temporary. |Newer:  You Have a Sixth Sense |Older:  Cultures Are Ideas |日本語:  魂が幸せを運ぶ

Cultures Are Ideas

Cultures are ideas. For example, religion is the idea of God, politics is the idea of society, science is the idea of substance, and art is the idea of beauty. |Newer:  There's Two Kinds of Happiness |Older:  Relax Your Body and Mind |日本語:  考えは対象でなく本質だ

Relax Your Body and Mind

Relax your body and mind as follows. Lie down, close your eyes, breathe deeply and forget everything for a while. |Newer:  Cultures Are Ideas |Older:  Think with Your Mind |日本語:  体が休み心が休む

Think with Your Mind

Think with your mind, not your brain. Thoughts from your mind are new, deep and interesting, but thoughts from your brain are old, shallow and boring. In short, your mind is wiser than your brain. |Newer:  Relax Your Body and Mind |Older:  Concentrate |日本語:  心によって考えよ


Concentrate as follows. First relax. Then put aside idle thoughts. |Newer:  Think with Your Mind |Older:  You Can Learn Everything |日本語:  雑念を抑えれば集中力が上がる

You Can Learn Everything

Experience hinders learning. Adults have more experience and learn more slowly. Children have less experience and learn more quickly. You can learn everything. Return to the innocence of childhood and learn everything. |Newer:  Concentrate |Older:  You Have Two Worlds |日本語:  人は全てを知りうる