
Showing posts from 2019

You're Free

You're free. You can be good or evil and happy or unhappy. |Older:  Your Mind Is Your Soul |日本語:  自由は幸せの基礎だ

Your Mind Is Your Soul

Your mind is your soul. Your soul lives forever. |Newer:  You're Free |Older:  Be Wise |日本語:  心は永遠だ

Be Wise

Be wise. Then, you'll know why you live. |Newer:  Your Mind Is Your Soul |Older:  Humans Are Great |日本語:  人はなぜ生きてゆくのか

Humans Are Great

Humans are great. Only they have reason and fight their instincts. |Newer:  Be Wise |Older:  People Are Rich and Arrogant |日本語:  神は人に理性を与えた

People Are Rich and Arrogant

People today are rich and arrogant. There are a lot of millionaires and unbelievers. |Newer:  Humans Are Great |Older:  Heaven Is Idyllic |日本語:  現代人は光を望む

Heaven Is Idyllic

Heaven is idyllic. In this place, the sun always shines, the wind carries the smell of leaves, birds sing, butterflies flutter, flowers bloom, and pure water wells up. |Newer:  People Are Rich and Arrogant |Older:  Effort Develops Talent |日本語:  アルカディアは天に近い

Effort Develops Talent

Past life is cause, and present life is effect. Effort in past life develops talent in present life. Present life is cause, and future life is effect. Effort in present life develops talent in future life. |Newer:  Heaven Is Idyllic |Older:  Knowing Is Thinking |日本語:  前世は原因で来世は結果だ

Knowing Is Thinking

Knowing is thinking. You know something if you think of it even if you don't see, hear, smell, taste or touch it. You don't know something if you don't think of it even if you see, hear, smell, taste and touch it. |Newer:  Effort Develops Talent |Older:  Your Soul Controls Your Brain |日本語:  人は心で知る

Your Soul Controls Your Brain

Your soul controls your body indirectly. Your soul controls your brain, and your brain controls your body. |Newer:  Knowing Is Thinking |Older:  Everyone Communicates |日本語:  心と脳は別物だ

Everyone Communicates

Everyone understands each other. Everyone communicates. |Newer:  Your Soul Controls Your Brain |Older:  The Universe Is God's Dream |日本語:  思いは人に伝わる

The Universe Is God's Dream

The universe is God's dream. The universe starts and ends in His sleep. |Newer:  Everyone Communicates |Older:  There's Something If You Think |日本語:  世界は神の夢だ

There's Something If You Think

There's something when you think of it. There's nothing when you think of it. |Newer:  The Universe Is God's Dream |Older:  God Unites Everyone |日本語:  物事の有無は心が決める

God Unites Everyone

God unites everyone. God is love. It unites everyone. |Newer:  There's Something If You Think |Older:  The Spirit Creates Culture |日本語:  万物は一つだ

The Spirit Creates Culture

The human spirit creates culture. Culture is art, science and religion. |Newer:  God Unites Everyone |Older:  You Know God Through Your Soul |日本語:  心は五感を超える

You Know God Through Your Soul

You know love, wisdom, goodness, dream and God through your soul. You don't know them through your senses. |Newer:  The Spirit Creates Culture |Older:  The Material World Is Mortal |日本語:  心にはとわの光が輝く

The Material World Is Mortal

The spiritual world is immortal. Your soul too. The material world is mortal. Your body too. |Newer:  You Know God Through Your Soul |Older:  Happiness Is Spiritual |日本語:  物質は魂の影響を受ける

Happiness Is Spiritual

Happiness is spiritual. It's peace of mind. |Newer:  The Material World Is Mortal |Older:  Your Soul Makes Emotions |日本語:  幸せは心にある

Your Soul Makes Emotions

Your soul makes emotions, and your brain takes them. When your soul is happy, your brain releases serotonin. When your soul is angry, your brain releases adrenaline. |Newer:  Happiness Is Spiritual |Older:  Your Soul Knows Everything |日本語:  心が脳の原因だ

Your Soul Knows Everything

Your soul knows everything. Your soul knows spiritual things directly and material things through your senses. |Newer:  Your Soul Makes Emotions |Older:  Be Childlike |日本語:  人は心で生きる

Be Childlike

Be childlike. Children are more honest than adults. Tell the truth, not lies. The truth brings trust, and lies bring distrust. |Newer:  Your Soul Knows Everything |Older:  Your Essence Is Your Soul |日本語:  人はもともと善人だ

Your Essence Is Your Soul

Your essence is your soul. Your soul thinks and knows. Thinking and knowing are important. |Newer:  Be Childlike |Older:  Your Mind Isn't Your Brain |日本語:  心が認識と証明の前提だ

Your Mind Isn't Your Brain

Your mind isn't your brain. Your mind has will and emotion, but your brain doesn't. |Newer:  Your Essence Is Your Soul |Older:  Some People See Spirits |日本語:  心は脳ではない

Some People See Spirits

Some people see spirits. Examples include Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Joan of Arc and Swedenborg. |Newer:  Your Mind Isn't Your Brain |Older:  Your Soul Lives Forever |日本語:  霊を見た人は多い

Your Soul Lives Forever

Your soul lives forever. It has no form. No form, no death. |Newer:  Some People See Spirits |Older:  Love Has Four Stages |日本語: 表しようのないものがある

Love Has Four Stages

Love has four stages. The first is self-love, the second is family love, the third is human love, and the last is universal love. |Newer:  Your Soul Lives Forever |Older:  You're Imaginative |日本語:  心には段階がある

You're Imaginative

You're imaginative. You imagine sky, sea, wind, past, future, good, evil, gods and demons. |Newer:  Love Has Four Stages |Older:  Theories Are First Believed |日本語:  人は想像に生きる

Theories Are First Believed

Theories are first believed and then proved. Examples include heliocentrism, gravitation and relativity. |Newer:  You're Imaginative |Older:  Your Soul Is Eternal |日本語:  人は信じて成長する

Your Soul Is Eternal

Your soul is eternal. It exists before birth and after death. |Newer:  Theories Are First Believed |Older:  Wishes Make Things |日本語:  人は物質か、精神か

Wishes Make Things

Wishes make things. Some people make cars because they want to move faster. Some people make clocks because they want to measure time. Some people make musical instruments because they want to make better sounds. |Newer:  Your Soul Is Eternal |Older:  Sleep Is a Short Death |日本語:  思いが物を作る

Sleep Is a Short Death

Sleep is a short death, and death is a long sleep. When you sleep or die, you dream and leave your body. |Newer:  Wishes Make Things |Older:  Life Is Holy |日本語:  眠りと死は似ている

Life Is Holy

Life is holy. It's spirit. Spirit is holy. |Newer:  Sleep Is a Short Death |Older:  Time Is Imaginary |日本語:  魂が人を尊くする

Time Is Imaginary

Space is real, and time is imaginary. The present is real, and the past and future are imaginary. |Newer:  Life Is Holy |Older:  God Is Wise and You're Foolish |日本語:  時は主観の産物だ

God Is Wise and You're Foolish

God is wise, and you're foolish. God knows everything, and you only know part of it. |Newer:  Time Is Imaginary |Older:  Your Soul Controls Your Body |日本語:  宇宙に偶然はない

Your Soul Controls Your Body

Your soul controls your body. Your soul moves your arms, legs, head and body. Your soul isn't your brain. Your soul is immortal, but your brain is mortal. |Newer:  God Is Wise and You're Foolish |Older:  You Believe in God and Spirit |日本語:  命は魂だ

You Believe in God and Spirit

You believe in things beyond your five senses. You believe in love, goodness, wisdom, spirit and God. |Newer:  Your Soul Controls Your Body |Older:  Love Is Unity |日本語:  五感を超えたものが大事だ

Love Is Unity

Love is unity. Love is cooperation. Love is understanding. |Newer:  You Believe in God and Spirit |Older:  You're like a Drop of Water |日本語:  愛は強い

You're like a Drop of Water

You're like a drop of water. Both are small, weak and beautiful. |Newer:  Love Is Unity |Older:  You Have a Holy Soul |日本語:  人は小さくはかない

You Have a Holy Soul

You're holy. You have a holy soul. |Newer:  You're like a Drop of Water |Older:  Life Is Soul |日本語:  物質は卑しく精神は尊い