
Showing posts from January, 2017

In Death, Sin Gets Smaller

Human death is sad, But it leads the living To forget their hatred. Visit graves and pray. In death, sin gets smaller. People will die sometime, So they'll be forgiven. Life has good and bad. |Newer:  Realize Your Lack of Wisdom |Older:  Countries Influence People |日本語:  死ぬとき罪は軽くなる

Countries Influence People

English people have their thoughts. Spanish people have their thoughts. German people have their thoughts. Russian people have their thoughts. Chinese people have their thoughts. Indian people have their thoughts. Ancient people had their thoughts. Modern people have their thoughts. People are strongly influenced By their periods and countries. |Newer:  In Death, Sin Gets Smaller |Older:  A Social Base Is God |日本語:  人は地域と時代に影響される

A Social Base Is God

A social base is God. People who keep His covenant Keep promises to humans, And it's the social base. A close relationship With God creates society. |Newer:  Countries Influence People |Older:  Understand Yourself |日本語:  社会の基礎は宗教だ

Understand Yourself

You know the Milky Way, You know the universe, And you know everything Except the only one. You are just like a monkey If you don't know yourself Even if you know the cosmos, So understand yourself. |Newer:  A Social Base Is God |Older:  Forgetting Is Precious |日本語:  自分を知れ

Forgetting Is Precious

Memory is important, But forgetting is precious. The more you forget, The more you can learn. Memorize good things And forget bad things, And you will relax And refresh yourself. |Newer:  Understand Yourself |Older:  God Created Culture |日本語:  忘れることも大切だ

God Created Culture

First, God created culture, Then, we developed it. God's mind became religion, His thought philosophy, His logic mathematics, His covenant the law, His treasure economics, His language literature, His sense of beauty art, And His performance music. |Newer:  Forgetting Is Precious |Older:  Beauty Makes Hearts Pure |日本語:  文化は神に始まった

Beauty Makes Hearts Pure

Beauty makes hearts pure. Pure hearts are light ones. Light hearts ease anxiety And relieve fatigue. Pure hearts make hearts pure. Beauty is pure hearts. |Newer:  God Created Culture |Older:  Forget Your Worries |日本語:  美は心を清くする

Forget Your Worries

Do you have worries? If you have worries, Are you unhappy? If you're unhappy, Forget your worries Because your worries Don't make you glad But make you sad. |Newer:  Beauty Makes Hearts Pure |Older:  Bodies Die, but Souls Live |日本語:  悩みを忘れよう

Bodies Die, but Souls Live

Matter will break sometime, But mind is forever. Bodies surely die, But souls surely live. People have to choose To live in the world That will crumble someday Or live in the world That exists forever. |Newer:  Forget Your Worries |Older:  Thoughts Show Human Nature |日本語:  肉体は死に魂は生きる

Thoughts Show Human Nature

Good people think about good things. Bad people think about bad things. Strange people think about strange things. To sum up, thoughts show human nature, And so, I am remembering What I have usually thought of. |Newer:  Bodies Die, but Souls Live |Older:  Words Make People Human |日本語:  人間性は考え方に表れる