
Showing posts from October, 2018

Death Shows Human Nature

Death shows human nature. For example, peaceful death shows good nature, and painful death shows bad nature. |Newer: Value Depends on Purpose |Older: Souls Are Unreal but Important |日本語: 人には安らかに死ぬ権利がある

Souls Are Unreal but Important

Souls are like imaginary numbers. Both are unreal but important. |Newer: Death Shows Human Nature |Older: One Changes All |日本語: 神仏や霊魂は虚数に似る

One Changes All

One changes all. First, one changes some. Then, some change many. Finally, many change all. |Newer: Souls Are Unreal but Important |Older: Scientists Are Occultists |日本語: 神は宇宙の意思だ

Scientists Are Occultists

Scientists are occultists. Examples include Pythagoras and Newton. Scientists study unreality. They've studied reality thoroughly. |Newer: One Changes All |Older: Work Is Helpful |日本語: 未来科学の対象はオカルトだ