
Showing posts from May, 2015

Feel Hot Hearts

Feel the hot heart of the Buddha, Who threw away the crown To look for wisdom. Feel the hot heart of Christ, Who shouldered a false charge To love the people. That is hard to be called a human If a heart does not get hot At the Buddha's or Jesus' action. Human beings Can live human By hot, precious and pure hearts. |Newer:  Humans Have the Sun in Spirit |Older:  Humans Come from Dreams and Leave for Dreams |日本語:  熱い心に触れてみよ

Humans Come from Dreams and Leave for Dreams

What dreams do babies before birth Really have? What dreams do people sleeping for ever Really have? Humans come from dreams, Stay for some time In the world falling like cherry blossoms And leave for long dreams. |Newer:  Feel Hot Hearts |Older:  Believe You Can Do If You Do |日本語:  人は夢から来て夢へ去る

Believe You Can Do If You Do

There are not things humans cannot do. Humans can do anything. The thought that there are impossible things Is a wild fancy. Believe you can do if you do. The way opens from there. |Newer:  Humans Come from Dreams and Leave for Dreams |Older:  People Should Make Friends |日本語:  やればできると信じ切れ

People Should Make Friends

Being friendly is good. Belief is good. Love is good. Therefore, people in the world Should throw away jealousy, suspicion and hatred And make friends. Let's forget the unpleasant past. Hope opens the way. |Newer:  Believe You Can Do If You Do |Older:  Let's Make Your Own Flowers Come Out |日本語:  人は仲良くすべきだ