
Showing posts from March, 2019

Your Soul Knows Everything

Your soul knows everything. Your soul knows spiritual things directly and material things through your senses. |Newer:  Your Soul Makes Emotions |Older:  Be Childlike |日本語:  人は心で生きる

Be Childlike

Be childlike. Children are more honest than adults. Tell the truth, not lies. The truth brings trust, and lies bring distrust. |Newer:  Your Soul Knows Everything |Older:  Your Essence Is Your Soul |日本語:  人はもともと善人だ

Your Essence Is Your Soul

Your essence is your soul. Your soul thinks and knows. Thinking and knowing are important. |Newer:  Be Childlike |Older:  Your Mind Isn't Your Brain |日本語:  心が認識と証明の前提だ

Your Mind Isn't Your Brain

Your mind isn't your brain. Your mind has will and emotion, but your brain doesn't. |Newer:  Your Essence Is Your Soul |Older:  Some People See Spirits |日本語:  心は脳ではない

Some People See Spirits

Some people see spirits. Examples include Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, Joan of Arc and Swedenborg. |Newer:  Your Mind Isn't Your Brain |Older:  Your Soul Lives Forever |日本語:  霊を見た人は多い

Your Soul Lives Forever

Your soul lives forever. It has no form. No form, no death. |Newer:  Some People See Spirits |Older:  Love Has Four Stages |日本語: 表しようのないものがある

Love Has Four Stages

Love has four stages. The first is self-love, the second is family love, the third is human love, and the last is universal love. |Newer:  Your Soul Lives Forever |Older:  You're Imaginative |日本語:  心には段階がある