
Showing posts from July, 2018

You Have Two Worlds

You have two worlds. One is yours, and the other is everyone's. The two worlds influence each other. You influence others, so your world influences everyone's. Others influence you, so everyone's world influences yours. |Newer:  You Can Learn Everything |Older:  Be Free from Brainwashing |日本語:  人は世界を二つ持つ

Be Free from Brainwashing

You're brainwashed by some people. They make education, public opinion and common knowledge. Education, public opinion and common knowledge have lies. And lies brainwash you. Be free from brainwashing as follows. First have your values. Then measure the value of education, public opinion and common knowledge. |Newer:  You Have Two Worlds |Older:  People Are Similar |日本語:  自分の価値観が洗脳を解く

People Are Similar

People are different But similar as well. Their bodies are alike. Their minds are similar. Their feelings are alike. Their thoughts are similar. Their languages are different But similar as well And so can be translated. Since they speak languages, Which can be translated, They understand each other. Since they use languages, Which can be translated, They stand by one another. People are different But similar as well. |Newer:  Be Free from Brainwashing |Older:  You Have Desire and Conscience |日本語:  人は互いに似ている

You Have Desire and Conscience

You have good and evil. Good is conscience; meanwhile, Evil is desire. That is to say, you Have desire and conscience. It is good for you To awaken your conscience, And it's bad for you To disturb your conscience. It is right for you To curb your desire, And it's wrong for you To fuel your desire. Conscience, it is soul, And desire, it's body. Since you have both body And soul, namely conscience, You're a human being. |Newer:  People Are Similar |Older:  Cells and Souls Affect Bodies |日本語:  良心は魂で欲望は肉体だ