
Showing posts from 2017

Look for New Value

Look for new value. Find out new value. There's been petroleum And electricity Since ancient times, But human beings Have known their value In modern times. Value depends On whether it Is known or not. Perhaps, new value Exists near you. |Newer:  God Draws All Conclusions |Older:  States of Mind Appear at Night |日本語:  新たな価値を探し出せ

States of Mind Appear at Night

Your state of mind Appears at night, So you are happy When you sleep well, You have good dreams, Or you are fresh Soon after waking, But you're unhappy When you sleep badly, You have bad dreams, Or you are tired Soon after waking. Your body sleeps, But your mind wakes. |Newer:  Look for New Value |Older:  Spirits Are True |日本語:  精神の状態は夜に表れる

Spirits Are True

Objects are false, Bodies are false, And brains are false, But souls are true, Spirits are true, And minds are true. Things made and broken And made and broken And made and broken Are only empty. Spirits give meaning To everything. Meaningless toys Will be dull someday. |Newer:  States of Mind Appear at Night |Older:  God Knows the Universe |日本語:  心が万物に意味を与える

God Knows the Universe

Is the origin Of the universe Big Bang or inflation? Is the origin Of the universe Particles or nothing? Why did particles Come from nothing then? Newton didn't know. Hawking doesn't know. Nobody knows it. Only God knows it. |Newer:  Spirits Are True |Older:  Where Do You Come from and Go? |日本語:  人は宇宙の始まりを知らない

Where Do You Come from and Go?

Everybody wonders At least once where they Come from and go to. The "where" of the question Means the other world. That is, once at least, Everybody thinks Of the other world. It is the beginning And the end of life. Everyone is concerned With the other world. |Newer:  God Knows the Universe |Older:  Bodies Die, and Souls Live |日本語:  人はどこから来てどこへ行くか

Bodies Die, and Souls Live

Past people died, But their souls live. Jesus Christ died, But his love lives, The Buddha died, But his peace lives, Socrates died, But his truth lives, And Moses died, But his law lives. Bodies are false, And souls are true. Though you will die, Your soul will live. |Newer:  Where Do You Come from and Go? |Older:  Everybody Wants to Be Better |日本語:  体は滅び心は残る

Everybody Wants to Be Better

There's good and evil, But everybody Wants to be better, And nobody Wants to be worse. Even bad people Think they are right. They'll change if they Think they are wrong. They will be better If they want to. Everybody Will be good someday. |Newer:  Bodies Die, and Souls Live |Older:  Creations Are Combinations |日本語:  全ての人は善を目指す

Creations Are Combinations

Human creations Are combinations. Purple is made From red and blue. Water is made Of hydrogen And oxygen. Nations are built By men and women. Human creations Are imitations, Compared to God's. He can make something From nothing, oh. |Newer:  Everybody Wants to Be Better |Older:  God Taught Words |日本語:  異質な物の結合が人の行う創造だ

God Taught Words

Why do you know the meaning of the word for noble ? Why do you know the meaning of the word for holy ? Why do you know the meaning of the word for faith ? Why do you know the meaning of the word for worship ? People can never teach the meanings of the words, And only God can teach the meanings of the words. |Newer:  Creations Are Combinations |Older:  Respect Is Eternal |日本語:  神は人に言葉を教えた

Respect Is Eternal

Human beings Are important, And so, they Have respect For each other. The respect For the living Is important. Similarly, The respect For the dead Is important. If you're scorned After you die Even if you Are respected When you live, Then, your life Will be boring. You are different From a toy That is dumped If it's broken. You will die, And your body Will decay, But your soul And respect Are eternal. |Newer:  God Taught Words |Older:  You Can Do Anything |日本語:  人間の尊厳は滅びない

You Can Do Anything

You are greater than the universe, But you are bound by the iron chain That's a symbol of the wrong idea That you can't and don't do anything. Break the chain; dispel the wrong idea. It is right you can do anything. |Newer:  Respect Is Eternal |Older:  Freedom Is a Right from God |日本語:  人は何でもできる

Freedom Is a Right from God

Humans don't want to be dogs, But dogs may want to be humans, Humans don't want to be cats, But cats may want to be humans, And the reason is that humans Are more free than dogs and cats. Freedom is a right from God. I am happy to be a human. |Newer:  You Can Do Anything |Older:  Majority Made Errors |日本語:  神は人に自由を与えた

Majority Made Errors

Majority made errors: The death of Jesus Christ, The Ptolemaic system And the dictator Hitler. The few may tell the truth, So hear that they saw spirits And hear that they saw God. One person may be right. |Newer:  Freedom Is a Right from God |Older:  Believers See Miracles |日本語:  多数決は正しくない

Believers See Miracles

Do miracles exist? Believers answer yes, But skeptics answer no. If skeptics and believers Debate about the existence Of miracles, believers And skeptics don't agree. The reason is that believers See miracles, but skeptics Do not see miracles. Humans can only trust In miracles from God. |Newer:  Majority Made Errors |Older:  Faith Is Great |日本語:  信じる人が奇跡を見る

Faith Is Great

Faith is great. It brings hope, Bravery, Harmony And all good, But suspicion Brings fear, hatred And despair. The beginning Of faith is God, So trust Him And then people. |Newer:  Believers See Miracles |Older:  God Can't Be Proved |日本語:  信じることは素晴らしい

God Can't Be Proved

God can't be proved Because to prove Is to draw conclusions From premises, And He's the premise Of everything, Not a conclusion. Not God but others Ought to be proved, And all but Him Are fully proved Only by Him. |Newer:  Faith Is Great |Older:  You Come from and Go to Heaven |日本語:  神は証明不可能だ

You Come from and Go to Heaven

You're easily moved By your friends', family's And other voices. You're like a bubble. You come and go In space and time. You think and think Of your own start And your own end, And you will know That you come from And go to heaven. |Newer:  God Can't Be Proved |Older:  The Middle Is the Best |日本語:  人はうたかたのようだ

The Middle Is the Best

There are those Who are pleased By some praise. They are happy. There are those Who aren't pleased By some praise. They are wise. Happy people And wise people Are both good, But the middle Is the best. |Newer:  You Come from and Go to Heaven |Older:  Listen to Yourself |日本語:  楽観と悲観の間を取れ

Listen to Yourself

When you talk to people, You can't get wisdom. When you are silent, You can gain wisdom. First, think of nothing, Then, ask yourself, And finally, Listen to yourself. You'll hear harsh words From your true self, And so, be strong. The strength is wisdom. |Newer:  The Middle Is the Best |Older:  All Things Have Causes |日本語:  英知は自分との対話に表れる

All Things Have Causes

It's wise To think That things Have causes. It's wise To think All things Have causes As well. All causes Aren't chance But God. |Newer:  Listen to Yourself |Older:  The World Is Beautiful |日本語:  論理は神をあかす

The World Is Beautiful

The world is beautiful. It has a lot of places, And they are different But very beautiful. You don't see the world's beauty If your eyes are not clear. Take the scales from your eyes. Remove dust from your mind. You don't see the true world Unless your mind is clear As you don't see yourself Unless your mirror is clean. |Newer:  All Things Have Causes |Older:  People Are Complex |日本語:  世界は美しい

People Are Complex

People are complex. Happy people Sometimes cry, Serious people Sometimes joke, Clever people Sometimes fail, And strong people Sometimes lose. People change If the view Of them changes. |Newer:  The World Is Beautiful |Older:  Humans Can't Be Made by Chance |日本語:  人の心は複雑だ

Humans Can't Be Made by Chance

Robots and computers Were made not by chance But by human beings, Who are great and grand. Similarly, they Were made not by chance But by the Creator, Who is great and grand. Robots and computers Can't be made by chance, And more complex humans Can't be made by chance. |Newer:  People Are Complex |Older:  Souls Result in Feelings |日本語:  偶然は人を創れない

Souls Result in Feelings

Not brains but souls Result in feelings. People have feelings Earlier than brains, And so, no brains Result in feelings. No flesh and bones Result in feelings, But, no, so souls Result in feelings. Souls bring joy, anger, Sorrow and comfort To everyone. |Newer:  Humans Can't Be Made by Chance |Older:  Remember You Were a Child |日本語:  喜怒哀楽の原因は魂だ

Remember You Were a Child

Evil people Shatter peace Like dark clouds Block the sun. Evil people Have bad thoughts. Innocent children Have good thoughts. So remember You were a child, And your heart Will be purer. |Newer:  Souls Result in Feelings |Older:  Don't Worry; Act |日本語:  純粋な頃の自分を思い出せ

Don't Worry; Act

Some people worry About the past, Which many people Do not remember, And others worry About the future, Which many people Do not consider. Only the present Exists; the past And future don't. Don't worry; act. |Newer:  Remember You Were a Child |Older:  Heaven or Hell Is in the Mind |日本語:  今だけを見詰めれば楽になる

Heaven or Hell Is in the Mind

There is a man Who feels pure joy, And he is sure To go to heaven. There is a man Who feels despair, And he is sure To go to hell. Heaven or hell Is in the mind. The dead and living Have hell or heaven. |Newer:  Don't Worry; Act |Older:  Belief Makes People Holy |日本語:  天国と地獄は心にある

Belief Makes People Holy

Belief in God Is great respect For the sublime. Religious people Have great respect For the sublime, So they are loved, But unbelievers Have no respect For the sublime, So they are hated. Belief in God Makes people holy. |Newer:  Heaven or Hell Is in the Mind |Older:  Sick People Find Their Souls |日本語:  信仰は人を尊くする

Sick People Find Their Souls

People are conscious Of their own souls When they are ill Because sick people Are more reflective Than healthy people. Everybody Gets sick at least Once in their life. At that time, they Find their own souls, And that's not bad. |Newer:  Belief Makes People Holy |Older:  God Loves Broad-minded People |日本語:  体が弱った人は魂を知る

God Loves Broad-minded People

Those who believe In God are strongest. They're not afraid Of anything Because in crisis, They're helped by God. Islamic terror And the crusaders Are very brave But narrow-minded Though God loves brave, Broad-minded people. |Newer:  Sick People Find Their Souls |Older:  Truth Is Infinite |日本語:  神を信じる人は強い

Truth Is Infinite

You cannot make the truth. You only know the truth. You can't know everything. You only know its part. The more you know your limits, The more you increase your wisdom Because by knowing your limits, You are aware of something Beyond your limitations. Your knowledge is restricted, But truth is infinite. |Newer:  God Loves Broad-minded People |Older:  Peace of Mind Is Important |日本語:  真理は限りない

Peace of Mind Is Important

The peace at home Is surely important, The peace of towns Is surely important, The peace of nations Is surely important, And peace of mind Is more important. A nation is towns, A town is homes, A home is people, And they have minds. |Newer:  Truth Is Infinite |Older:  Unselfish People Are Calm |日本語:  心の平安が大切だ

Unselfish People Are Calm

Self-centered people Don't know themselves Because they fear They aren't themselves If they are selfless. Unselfish people Know their true selves, So they are calm. Self-centered people Hide their true selves. Unselfish people Show their true selves. |Newer:  Peace of Mind Is Important |Older:  You're Creative When Free |日本語:  自己チューは自己を知らない

You're Creative When Free

It is important To paint at will On a large canvas. It is important To walk at will On virgin land. It is important To live at will, Forgetting time. When you are free, You're very strong, Wise and creative. |Newer:  Unselfish People Are Calm |Older:  Words with Actions Are Correct |日本語:  自由は大事だ

Words with Actions Are Correct

Words with actions are believed. Words without acts aren't believed. Words with actions are received. Words without acts aren't received. Words with actions are correct. Words without acts are mistaken. Words with actions are so good. Words without acts are so bad. |Newer:  You're Creative When Free |Older:  Control Yourself |日本語:  行いのある言葉は皆が信じる

Control Yourself

Your enemy is you, And so, control yourself. There's evil in the mind. Evil attacks the mind. You cannot guard your mind By wearing iron armor. You can protect your mind By having a strong will. A strong will to right wrongs Destroys the root of evil. People who have brave hearts Are heroines and heroes. |Newer:  Words with Actions Are Correct |Older:  Try to Do One New Thing a Day |日本語:  己のうちの悪にかて

Try to Do One New Thing a Day

Try to do one new thing a day. It's boring to repeat each day. There must be things to do today. Boredom completely breaks your spirit, And so, you always do new things. You do not want a boring life, And you need peace and daily changes. |Newer:  Control Yourself |Older:  Live Fully Without Regret |日本語:  一日一つ新たなことをしよう

Live Fully Without Regret

You do not know When you will die. The time may be After ten years, A hundred years Or seven days. You should live fully Without regret Even if you happen To die tomorrow. |Newer:  Try to Do One New Thing a Day |Older:  Think the Future Is Better |日本語:  命はいつか散る

Think the Future Is Better

You might be negative About the future Because by instinct, You guard yourself From future dangers. You should be positive About the future Because by thinking The future is better Than now, you're happy. |Newer:  Live Fully Without Regret |Older:  Do You Believe in Spirits? |日本語:  ポジティブな人は元気だ

Do You Believe in Spirits?

No one Can prove That spirits Exist. No one Can prove That spirits Does not. Do spirits Exist? Don't spirits Exist? If one Is true, The other Is false. If one Is false, The other Is true. Do you Believe In spirits Or not? |Newer:  Think the Future Is Better |Older:  The Unknown Is Fun |日本語:  魂を信じるか

The Unknown Is Fun

Some future things Can be predicted, And some cannot. You should prepare For future things That you predict, And you should hope For future things That you don't know. The unknown is fun. |Newer:  Do You Believe in Spirits? |Older:  Think, and You'll Be Wiser |日本語:  未来は知らないほうが楽しめる

Think, and You'll Be Wiser

Discard false knowledge, And you'll be wiser. It is the knowledge That you have gained Without deep thinking. The knowledge you Have gained with thinking Is your true wisdom. Think carefully, And you'll get wisdom. |Newer:  The Unknown Is Fun |Older:  Know the Past; Know the Future |日本語:  考える人が知恵に近い

Know the Past; Know the Future

You like new things At any time, And new things differ From common ones And are rare ones. There are rare things Not in the present But in the past. Knowing the past Is knowing the future. |Newer:  Think, and You'll Be Wiser |Older:  We, Humans, Believe in God |日本語:  新たなものは過去にある

We, Humans, Believe in God

We, humans, Believe In God, So we Are kings And queens Of life, But beasts Don't trust In God, So they Are pets And livestock Of humans. We're humans When we Trust God. We're beasts If we Doubt God. Beliefs Are vital To us. |Newer:  Know the Past; Know the Future |Older:  Believe in Afterlife |日本語:  信仰は人間の尊厳だ

Believe in Afterlife

Heroes who don't fear death Know the world after death, So they can fight so bravely As everybody knows. Heroes who don't fear death Would be fools if the world After death didn't exist, But people praise them highly And say they are like gods. Believe in afterlife. |Newer:  We, Humans, Believe in God |Older:  Be Happy by Yourself |日本語:  死後の世界はある

Be Happy by Yourself

You should be happy By yourself. Happiness Can't be brought. Happiness Can be found. Ask not others But yourself Where it is And what's it. |Newer:  Believe in Afterlife |Older:  Live in Harmony |日本語:  幸せは自分のうちにある

Live in Harmony

Family must live in harmony Because they live in the same house. Everyone must live in harmony Because they live on the same earth. Everything must be in harmony Since it's in the same universe. The harmony of body and mind Brings physical and mental health. The harmony of everything Brings order to the universe. |Newer:  Be Happy by Yourself |Older:  Have Your Thoughts |日本語:  調和せよ

Have Your Thoughts

It is important You see, hear, smell, Touch, taste and think. It's not important They see, hear, smell, Touch, taste and think. It is important You have your thoughts. It's not important You have their thoughts. |Newer:  Live in Harmony |Older:  Beauty Changes but Doesn't |日本語:  自分の考えを洗練させよ

Beauty Changes but Doesn't

A human sense of beauty Changes but doesn't change. For instance, old art is, Of course, still beautiful, But past and present art Is slightly different. That is, our sense of beauty Changes but doesn't change. Its essence doesn't change, But its appearance changes. |Newer:  Have Your Thoughts |Older:  Love Is Genuine Kindness |日本語:  美は本質が変わらず装いが変わる

Love Is Genuine Kindness

Even if you hear kind words, Even if you get presents, Even if you given smiles, You are not always loved. Do not compare love tokens Because they are not love. It is a state of mind. Love is not a thing, act Or word but genuine kindness That's sent from heart to heart. |Newer:  Beauty Changes but Doesn't |Older:  You Use Your Brain |日本語:  心があって愛はある

You Use Your Brain

You use your brain, So you can think. Your brain is commanded And used by you, And you command And use your brain. You are a master. Your brain is a slave. Your body is dead. Your soul is alive. |Newer:  Love Is Genuine Kindness |Older:  I'll Always Wanna Love a Woman |日本語:  心があって人なのだ

I'll Always Wanna Love a Woman

I so like women Who have pure hearts Because they'll lovely Even when old. I now like women Who have sweet faces Though they won't lovely When they grow old. I'll always want To love a woman. |Newer:  You Use Your Brain |Older:  You Could Trust Your Past Self |日本語:  僕は心の美しい女性を好む

You Could Trust Your Past Self

If you met your past self, Would you be complimented? If you met your past self, Would you be criticized? Even if criticized, You could trust your past self. |Newer:  I'll Always Wanna Love a Woman |Older:  Your Heart Is Your True Self |日本語:  昔の自分が今の自分に言う

Your Heart Is Your True Self

First close your eyes, Then clear your head. When you forget, Your heart is opened. Your open heart Speaks eloquently. Words from your heart Have love and wisdom. It is your heart That's your true self. |Newer:  You Could Trust Your Past Self |Older:  Fair People Know the Truth |日本語:  心が真の自分だ

Fair People Know the Truth

Selfish people Bend the truth For themselves, And so, they Live a lie, But fair people Face the truth, And so, they Know the truth. |Newer:  Your Heart Is Your True Self |Older:  You'll See Heaven If Right |日本語:  平等で公平な人は真実を知る

You'll See Heaven If Right

Right or wrong will show Just before your death. Right brings peaceful death. Wrong brings painful death. You'll see heaven or hell Just before your death. You'll see heaven if right. You'll see hell if wrong. Seeing heaven is peace. Seeing hell is pain. |Newer:  Fair People Know the Truth |Older:  Believe in a Glorious Future |日本語:  善悪は死ぬ直前に表れる

Believe in a Glorious Future

People who believe In a glorious future Look fools but are happy. If all people think That the future is better, They are pleased and glad. It is a good thing They may look like fools, But they're surely happy. |Newer:  You'll See Heaven If Right |Older:  Trust Is Gain; Doubt Is Loss |日本語:  未来をよいほうに考えよ

Trust Is Gain; Doubt Is Loss

If you trust people, They will help you. If you doubt people, They won't help you. If you trust God, He will help you. If you doubt God, He won't help you. So trust is gain, But doubt is loss. |Newer:  Believe in a Glorious Future |Older:  Know Your Good Points More |日本語:  信じる人は得し疑う人は損する

Know Your Good Points More

Know your good points more. If you don't know yours, You do not know others, And when you know others, You know your good points. That is, you and others Are the front and back, And the two are one. Everyone is friends. |Newer:  Trust Is Gain; Doubt Is Loss |Older:  True Charity Is Necessary |日本語:  自分のよさを知れ

True Charity Is Necessary

Hypocrisy, Beautiful lies And formal gifts Aren't necessary. True charity, Beautiful truth And private gifts Are necessary. |Newer:  Know Your Good Points More |Older:  Only God Knows Everything |日本語:  見返りを捨てよ

Only God Knows Everything

What is the beginning Of the universe? When did it began? Where did it began? How did it began? Why did it began? It is only God Who knows everything. |Newer:  True Charity Is Necessary |Older:  Past Knowledge Has Mistakes |日本語:  宇宙の始まりを知るのは神だ

Past Knowledge Has Mistakes

It's wisdom to forget past knowledge Because past knowledge has mistakes. Fools can't forget bad knowledge only. It's wisdom to forget bad knowledge. |Newer:  Only God Knows Everything |Older:  Greats Make People Happy |日本語:  忘れることが知恵になる

Greats Make People Happy

Village chiefs make village people happy, And town managers make townsfolk happy. Kings make people in their countries happy, And God makes all people in the world happy. In this way, the greater they become, The more people they're bound to make happy. |Newer:  Past Knowledge Has Mistakes |Older:  Is Perfectionism Pleasure? |日本語:  偉い人は幸せを与える

Is Perfectionism Pleasure?

Is perfectionism pleasure? Is perfectionism pain? If it makes you happy, Take perfectionism. If it makes you unhappy, Dump perfectionism. It's not always good To want to be perfect. |Newer:  Greats Make People Happy |Older:  Life Is Wrapped in Mystery |日本語:  こだわりもよしあしだ

Life Is Wrapped in Mystery

Why does life live in this world? Why does life come to this world? Why does life go from this world? Life is wrapped in mystery. If the mystery is solved, Spirits will reveal themselves. |Newer:  Is Perfectionism Pleasure? |Older:  Realize Your Lack of Wisdom |日本語:  命には謎が多い

Realize Your Lack of Wisdom

If you don't think you know, Your knowledge will be deeper. If you think you know fully, Your knowledge will be poorer. While you're increasing knowledge, You should be always modest. When you're proud, wisdom dies. Realize your lack of wisdom. |Newer:  Life Is Wrapped in Mystery |Older:  In Death, Sin Gets Smaller |日本語:  知恵の不足を自覚せよ

In Death, Sin Gets Smaller

Human death is sad, But it leads the living To forget their hatred. Visit graves and pray. In death, sin gets smaller. People will die sometime, So they'll be forgiven. Life has good and bad. |Newer:  Realize Your Lack of Wisdom |Older:  Countries Influence People |日本語:  死ぬとき罪は軽くなる

Countries Influence People

English people have their thoughts. Spanish people have their thoughts. German people have their thoughts. Russian people have their thoughts. Chinese people have their thoughts. Indian people have their thoughts. Ancient people had their thoughts. Modern people have their thoughts. People are strongly influenced By their periods and countries. |Newer:  In Death, Sin Gets Smaller |Older:  A Social Base Is God |日本語:  人は地域と時代に影響される

A Social Base Is God

A social base is God. People who keep His covenant Keep promises to humans, And it's the social base. A close relationship With God creates society. |Newer:  Countries Influence People |Older:  Understand Yourself |日本語:  社会の基礎は宗教だ

Understand Yourself

You know the Milky Way, You know the universe, And you know everything Except the only one. You are just like a monkey If you don't know yourself Even if you know the cosmos, So understand yourself. |Newer:  A Social Base Is God |Older:  Forgetting Is Precious |日本語:  自分を知れ

Forgetting Is Precious

Memory is important, But forgetting is precious. The more you forget, The more you can learn. Memorize good things And forget bad things, And you will relax And refresh yourself. |Newer:  Understand Yourself |Older:  God Created Culture |日本語:  忘れることも大切だ

God Created Culture

First, God created culture, Then, we developed it. God's mind became religion, His thought philosophy, His logic mathematics, His covenant the law, His treasure economics, His language literature, His sense of beauty art, And His performance music. |Newer:  Forgetting Is Precious |Older:  Beauty Makes Hearts Pure |日本語:  文化は神に始まった

Beauty Makes Hearts Pure

Beauty makes hearts pure. Pure hearts are light ones. Light hearts ease anxiety And relieve fatigue. Pure hearts make hearts pure. Beauty is pure hearts. |Newer:  God Created Culture |Older:  Forget Your Worries |日本語:  美は心を清くする

Forget Your Worries

Do you have worries? If you have worries, Are you unhappy? If you're unhappy, Forget your worries Because your worries Don't make you glad But make you sad. |Newer:  Beauty Makes Hearts Pure |Older:  Bodies Die, but Souls Live |日本語:  悩みを忘れよう

Bodies Die, but Souls Live

Matter will break sometime, But mind is forever. Bodies surely die, But souls surely live. People have to choose To live in the world That will crumble someday Or live in the world That exists forever. |Newer:  Forget Your Worries |Older:  Thoughts Show Human Nature |日本語:  肉体は死に魂は生きる

Thoughts Show Human Nature

Good people think about good things. Bad people think about bad things. Strange people think about strange things. To sum up, thoughts show human nature, And so, I am remembering What I have usually thought of. |Newer:  Bodies Die, but Souls Live |Older:  Words Make People Human |日本語:  人間性は考え方に表れる