
Showing posts from November, 2016

Explore the Meanings of Words

Explore the meanings Of words and language. Good people's words Have proper meanings. Bad people's words Have empty meanings. Meanings of words Are human thoughts. |Newer:  People Go to the Future |Older:  Everyone Has Their Own Mind |日本語:  言葉の意味を考えよ

Everyone Has Their Own Mind

You understand What you consider, And you don't know What others think, But I want you To understand That everyone Has their own mind. |Newer:  Explore the Meanings of Words |Older:  Like Seeks Like |日本語:  皆が心を持つ

Like Seeks Like

Flowers bloom near flowers, And birds sing near birds. People live near people, And stars shine near stars. There is good near good, And there's evil near evil. They're birds of a feather. It's true like seeks like. |Newer:  Everyone Has Their Own Mind |Older:  Copy Good People |日本語:  類は友を呼ぶ

Copy Good People

You are like good people If you copy them. You are like bad people If you copy them. You are you, of course, Even if you copy, And so, copy good, Great and happy people. |Newer:  Like Seeks Like |Older:  Follow Rules If Possible |日本語: 優れた人をまねよ

Follow Rules If Possible

A human strength Is using language. Language is rules That people make. If you break them, You can't use language, So follow rules If possible. |Newer:  Copy Good People |Older:  Humans Go Up |日本語:  約束はなるべく守れ

Humans Go Up

Going down is easy. Going up is hard. Falling is easy. Raising is hard. Resting is easy. Working is hard. Going down is natural. Going up is human. |Newer:  Follow Rules If Possible |Older:  Personality Is Great |日本語:  人は上を目指す

Personality Is Great

Personality is great, And your character is good. Everything is different, So bouquets are beautiful. Everyone is different, So the world is interesting. If all people were the same, Could you love the crazy world? |Newer:  Humans Go Up |Older:  Go Outside of Yourself |日本語:  人の個性は素晴らしい

Go Outside of Yourself

Egoists Stay in darkness. They look pupae In cocoons That they spin. Go outside Of yourself. There's light there. |Newer:  Personality Is Great |Older:  Separate the Past and Future |日本語:  自分の殻を脱ぎ捨てよ

Separate the Past and Future

The past can't make the future. The present makes the future. The past does not exist. The present does exist. And the ghost of the past Does not have future dreams. Separate the past and future. You can and will do it. |Newer:  Go Outside of Yourself |Older:  Overcome This World |日本語:  過去と未来を切り離せ

Overcome This World

People fear to die If they want this world. They don't fear to die If they don't want this. Just before your death, Overcome this world, Have a peaceful mind And wait for your end. |Newer:  Separate the Past and Future |Older:  Discover Ways to Make You Good |日本語:  この世の未練を捨てよ